Every seasoned traveler knows that “airplane food” is not the best food a tourist will ever eat and often you look forward to arriving at your destination to get a taste of the local delish!! This is especially true if you are traveling to Uganda. Ugandan cuisine has been described by many international foodies as one of the jewels that deepen your appreciation of this beautiful country.
While various Ugandan tribes prepare and take massive pride in their own specialty dishes, on a whole, these local delicacies are inspired by a range of continental cuisines especially Indian, Chinese and Italian but it’s that authentic local touch/mix that makes them truly Ugandan. These three meals listed here have proved to be a tourist favorite and we recommend that you try them on your next visit.
Oluwombo or Luwombo is a traditional Method of Cooking from Uganda. It is both a classic dish of royal dinners and a dish popular throughout Uganda, especially on special traditional events and special events. Luwombo is considered one of Uganda’s best dishes and was originally reserved for royalty. As the community became less conservative, the general public jumped in on the enjoyment and it is now widely served in private homes, restaurants and hotels countrywide.
You will love it not only because it tastes great but also because you will be eating an organic, healthy, safely prepared meal. A luwombo dish typically contains beef, chicken, or goat or a rich peanut-based sauce that is occasionally enriched with mushrooms, dry fish or other accompaniment that your chef will deem fit to surprise you with. Luwombo is usually served with matoke, rice, cassava or chapati.
The word katogo literally means a ‘mélange’ or mixture of ingredients. Katogo is one of those originally breakfast delicacies that will start your day off in great spirits. Over the years however, it has come to be adopted as an all-day meal mainly because it is relatively quick to prepare, is affordable and because it is satisfying.
It is basically assorted foods cooked together. The most common “main foods” on katogo are matooke (plantain) and others prefer it with cassava. It is always one of these two with any sauce be it ground nut paste, meat, offals or beans. Katogo can also be served with fresh salad or avocado.
You know about the high-end wrist watch, right? Well, Uganda has their own edible version of the rolex. The word was coined from the phrase “roll of eggs” and it is a delicacy that can be consumed any time of day. This quick bite is so popular among the people of Uganda that each one you meet may have their own “rolex guy.”
There’s no limit to how creative the chef can decide to get with the rolex; some do raw vegetables, others meat, others a combination of both—your own preference is really the limit.
The rolex has greatly grown in popularity over the past couple of years that it has gotten international media coverage, entire festivals have been started to honor it and most recently, Raymond Kahuma, a Rolex guy entered the Guinness book of records for creating the world’s largest rolex. The ingredients that went into the hefty dish included 1,200 eggs, 90kg of vegetables (onions, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots and peppers), 72kg of flour and 40kg of cooking oil.
Would you imagine that?
These 3 meals are the MUST-TRY meals the next time you visit Uganda. Keep in mind though that Uganda has over 50 subcultures each with its own breathtaking array of foods, some even exclusive to those particular regions.
These meals listed here do not even begin to scratch the surface of what is available as far as culinary excellence is concerned in Uganda. We have selected these because they are the very popular ones that are easy to find in any corner of the country.
Have you been to Uganda? Which meals did you try that still hold a dear place in your heart to this day?
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